Dreams Take Flight
One's mind, once stretched, never regains its original dimensions.
Give a trip-of-a-lifetime. Give limitless possibilities.
Welcome to Dreams Take Flight | Montreal!
Magical Memories For Special Kids
Dreams Take Flight Montreal flies deserving children with special needs from the province of Quebec to Disney World in Orlando Florida. In 2019, we will celebrate our 25th year with more than 160 children on board our flight, for a special day in Disney World.
Each year, Air Canada, through the Air Canada Foundation, donates an aircraft for the flight.
With your support, we can give a trip-of-a-lifetime to deserving children from Quebec. We raise funds through corporate and private donations, charity golf tournaments, raffles and our annual gala.

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About Dreams Take Flight
Dreams Take Flight stretches children’s minds. As poet Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”
In 1989, several Air Canada employees in Toronto planned a trip-of-a-lifetime. They flew 70 special needs children on a DC-9 aircraft to Walt Disney World in Florida.
By 1997, the Dreams Take Flight charity had expanded across Canada.
For a very long and exciting day, deserving children live an adventure in a world-renowned theme park in California or Florida. All expenses paid—thanks to sponsors and volunteers.
When they land back home, their minds are stretched to new dimensions. They see new possibilities.